EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH


Steindamm 71
20099 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 2850 -0
Fax: +49 40 2850-1400
Email: info@eos-did.com

Commercial register HRB 115781 at the Hamburg Local Court
VAT ID no.: DE 273852134

Represented by the managing directors: Jörg Schweda, Juliane Schmid

Registered debt collection company according to §10 (1) No. 1 RDG

Supervisory authority is the President of the Hamburg Local Court, Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg, Germany

Registered in the legal services register, file number: 3712E/01/0061

Member of the Federation of German Debt Collection Companies (BDIU)

Property damage liability insurance: Insurer HDI Global SE, HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hanover, Germany (coverage EUR 2.5 million per insured event; annual indemnity limit EUR 5 million).
Notice pursuant to § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act: EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings. We are under no legal obligation to do so.
Legal information
EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH (EOS DID) is pleased that you have visited this website. On some pages you will be asked to provide personal information. This response is voluntary.

We would like to point out that there is no legal entitlement whatsoever to the use of the free services offered by us. No liability is accepted for any failure to operate the system properly. Furthermore, EOS DID shall not be liable for any non-availability or discontinuation of the services offered by us free of charge.

Link distance
EOS DID shall not assume any responsibility for the content of third-party websites that can be accessed via hyperlink, insofar as they do not belong to companies of the EOS Group.
The following shall apply to all links to other sites on the Internet – with the exception of those belonging to companies in the EOS Group: EOS DID expressly declares that it has no influence on the design and content of the linked sites. For this reason, EOS DID hereby expressly distances itself from all content of all linked pages on this website and does not adopt their content as its own. Furthermore, we do not accept any liability for all software provided or linked on these pages and all other materials. The respective operator is responsible for the content.

Intellectual property
EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH (EOS DID) is thankful for your visit to this website. On some pages you will be asked to provide personal information. Your response to this request is voluntary.
We would like to point out that there is no legal entitlement whatsoever to the use of the free services offered by us. No liability is accepted for any failure to operate the system properly. Furthermore, any liability on the part of EOS DID for non-availability or discontinuation of the services offered by us free of charge shall be excluded.

No responsibility for links
EOS DID shall not assume any responsibility for the content of third-party websites that can be accessed via hyperlink, provided that they do not belong to EOS Group companies.
The following shall apply to all links to other sites on the Internet – with the exception of those belonging to companies in the EOS Group: EOS DID expressly declares that it has no influence on the design and content of the linked sites. For this reason, EOS DID hereby expressly distances itself from all content of all linked pages on this website and will not make their content its own. Furthermore, we accept no liability for any software or other material made available or linked to on these web pages. Each operator assumes liability for the content.

Intellectual property
© 2014 EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. All rights reserved
Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on www.eos-serviceportal.de are protected by copyright and other property laws.
Without the prior written approval of EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH, the content of these web pages, as well as domain names belonging to EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH with the same content, may not be copied, processed, changed, converted into electronic or machine-readable form or made accessible to third parties, either in whole or in part. Some pages contain images that are subject to third party copyrights.

Protected names and trademarks are generally not identified as such on our web pages. Nevertheless, they should be considered and treated as such. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks on our web pages are protected under trademark laws. This applies in particular to brands, labels, company logos and emblems. If our web pages violate existing copyrights, please send us a message by email (subject: Copyright) so, where applicable, we can amend our website as quickly as possible.

No guarantee
Our website was created with the utmost care. However, EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH cannot guarantee that the information contained therein is free of errors and accurate. EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH therefore excludes all liability for damage arising directly or, as the case may be, indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as it is not based on demonstrable intent or gross negligence on the part of EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH.

No license
The intellectual property contained in the web pages of EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH as well as the trademarks and copyrights are protected. This website does not grant a license to use the intellectual property of EOS Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst GmbH or third parties.